2015 Minutes
Minutes of membership meeting
HMM-265 Veterans Association, Inc.
Aboard Cruise ship Eurodam
November 13, 2015
Called to order @ 13:32 by President John Long
20 members and several wives present.
Welcomed and thanked all for attending meeting.
Last membership meeting was in Charleston SC 2013
We could not find the minutes of that meeting.
Ralph Nelson sends regrets for not being able to attend however he reports that the status of the Corporation is good in the state of Texas and our status as a 501 ( c ) (3) tax entity is valid as he sends in the Form 990-N each year to the IRS.
Treasurer Report: Gary Kerr reports the balance on 16 May 2013 was $5,406.69, income from the 2013 Reunion, and since totaled $8,945.58. Expenses for that time consisted of $2,268.23 for a current balance of $12,084.04. This includes $4,089.97 in the Flower Memorial Fund.
Reunion Directors Report: Tim Bastyr reported that for various reasons, not the least was age related, attendance was disappointing. In the future we must attempt to make it more available to all members. Our members are primarily on the Coasts with slightly more on the East Coast. He suggested a shorter cruise might be better attended.
Mini-Reunion: Chuck Johnson reported there were slightly over 100 members and spouses at the Mini Reunion in Savannah GA in 2014. It was put together fairly quickly and the only planned events were a trip to the 8th Air Force Museum and a dinner the final night (no speakers). It showed a profit and Savannah was a good venue.
Web-Site: Rich Duff, our past webmaster passed away in Oct. of 2014. We did not learn this until a couple of months later. Chuck Johnson stepped up and has become our new webmaster. With some professional help, he has extracted our web-site and placed it on a new hosting agency, up dated the software somewhat, and reorganized the site itself. Still to be done is more updating of the software. We have the professional help on a retainer for help when Chuck is overwhelmed. We are adding a memorial bulletin board to post stories and memories to share with everyone. Someone suggested going as a link on Pop-a-Smoke website, but they are too big and we would lose control of what is posted. Joe Dougherty offered to contact a company he knows of for help. Chuck currently pays hourly for help when needed. The software is very complex and it is taking time to learn it. We are currently looking for a member who knows computers and websites and would be willing to work with Chuck and learn this site with the idea of taking it over. If we can’t find a volunteer we would need to start paying for the work Chuck is doing.
Old Business: There was none.
New Business: Stephen Benckenstein and Bob Basye are working on a DVD that would have pictures and videos taken by the squadron members while we were in Viet Nam. They asked for people to let them use their pictures. Tim Bastyr said he still had CD’s and VCR tapes of that time in the Squadron inventory and would supply them a copy to be used.
In addition to the CDs and VCR tapes Tim has hats, coins pins for sale that belong to the Squadron. Contact Tim if you need any.
Tim Bastyr made a motion for the Squadron to contribute $5,000.00 to the Marine Corps Museum to add HMM-265 Veterans Association to a plaque listing Donors to the Museum.
This plaque is currently hanging in the museum and Tim got the idea recently when he was there for the last flight of the CH-46.
In discussion, Tim suggested that the money not come out of the current Treasury but Donations be solicited. It was pointed out that if 50 members donated $100 each that would cover the cost. All Donations checks would be made out to HMM-265 Veterans Association, Inc., and designated for this memorial. The donation would be tax deductible under our 501-c-3 designation and then Gary would write a $5,000.00 to the museum to qualify for the addition to the plaque. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Reunion 2017: George Cumpston proposed a Reunion at the Marine Memorial Association Hotel in San Francisco. This is a nice facility and has a staff that does reunion planning. Currently Feb. Mar. and April 2017 are wide open. They have three cost levels, Members, guests of members and other. At a reunion each attendee would either be a member or guest of a member. Guest of a member costs run approximately $50/night more than member price. One of the advantages of being a member is privileges at associated clubs worldwide. Membership costs are currently $120/year. Thus if the reunion is for three nights you would save about $30.00 by becoming a member.
Tim Bastyr related a proposal by Leo Ferrell to hold the reunion in Philadelphia. Paul O’Dell lives in the area and had agreed to help. Birth place of the CH-46 as well as the Marine Corps at Tun Tavern, centrally located on the East Coast it has multiple hotels that are moderately priced.
Rick Baldwin offered to host a reunion in Jacksonville NC. Being active with civic organizations he is familiar with their efforts to attract reunions like this.
After discussion on all three proposals, John Long suggested that a vote for the next reunion would be taken after the Memorial Service the next day. This was agreed on and San Francisco won the election 11 to 8 over Philadelphia.
Board of Directors: The association has been operating for several years with a Board of Directors of Andy DeHaan, Bob Mills and Frank Durbin advising the officers. Frank’s passing last October has left a vacancy and a call for volunteers was made by John Long. Bob Basye, volunteered and was voted on and approved by the membership.
Election of Officers: Chuck Johnson made a motion that the current slate of officers be re-elected by acclamation. It was seconded and passed by voice vote.
President John Long
V. President Tim Bastyr
Secretary Ralph Nelson
Treasurer Gary Kerr
Meeting adjourned @ 14:20
Submitted by Mary Long for Ralph Nelson