Military and Veterans’ Associations
USMC/Combat Helicopter & Tilt-Rotor Association The Association, originally known as the USMC/Vietnam Helicopter Pilot & Aircrew Association, a.k.a. Pop-a-Smoke, is now known as the USMC/Combat Helicopter & Tilt-Rotor Association. The name has evolved through the years to accommodate changes in Marine aviation equipment and squadron designations. Although the name has changed, the mission has remained the same: to “ . . . preserve and promote the camaraderie of those U.S. Marine Corps Pilots, air-crewmen and associated support personnel who were associated with Marine Helicopters & Tilt Rotor Aircraft” including all former and current Marine helicopter/tilt-rotor squadron personnel, including pilots, crew-chiefs, gunners, air observers, maintenance personnel, corpsmen (USN), flight surgeons (USN), chaplains (USN) and all other support personnel. Lots of pics and info, free to join.
HMM-262 Combat Helicopter Association Home of the Tigers in Vietnam 1966-71 and Iraq 2007.
Distinguished Flying Cross Society. It seems that no one at DOD ever thought to keep an official record of Distinguished Flying Crosses as they were awarded. The Distinguished Flying Cross Society was formed to help fill that gap in our military history. If you would like to learn more and perhaps join and/or register your DFS(s) you can visit their website or contact Patrick Owen at <> [Pop-A-Smoke newsletter November 2018, p. 3].
VFW and American Legion. See |Veterans’ Issues Links|.